Monday, August 15, 2011


Chris is doing better physically. The
doctor has cleared him medically but has
advised (and our medical coordinators
agree) that he should not live far from
good medical care. So...we have been
During our stay in Nairobi we felt
God’s presence keenly. It was a hard time
in many ways. We kept sensing God
telling us to just wait on Him, draw near to
Him, and trust Him. We had no idea what
was going to happen and we were
learning to be ok with that. We learned
that we are called to HIM, no matter
where we are. He wants our whole heart,
soul, mind, and strength- everything.
We also became aware that it was a
very real possibility we were not going to
be able to return to the D*go team. We
had to get our hearts in a place where we
had no will of our own. We had complete
peace when the doctor made his
recommendation. We were sad, for sure,
but we knew that God does not make
mistakes and felt He was in control of this
After praying and speaking with our
leadership we felt like God was leading us
to a position in student ministry in Nairobi.
The more we thought and prayed, the
more excited we became. Students are in
such a unique place in their lives. They
are deciding where they are going with
their lives and they go out to different
places after graduation. Our hearts’
desire is to see them grow deep with the
Lord and to take His amazing love and
salvation to their people (and beyond).
We also see an opportunity to stay
connected to the people God has already
given us a burden for...the D*go. Our
prayer is that we will be able to take
national students to work among the
D*go- like “summer mission trips”.
We have made the move to Nairobi
and are settling in. We are sorry we
could not let you know sooner, but it has
just become official. We truly cannot
express our gratitude for your
encouragement and prayers! Your
faithfulness is a blessing and a powerful
tool God uses to accomplish His purposes.
We have seen it first hand!

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