In the night I wait for You to rescue me
From these empty things that leave me thirsting.
Still my heart is only Yours and this ache is my heart's cry-
Let my hands reach out and touch more than the sky
And I know that there are hidden rooms
And I struggle with unsearchable truths
And I know there's a limit to man
Yes, I'm a limited man
Limited as I may be, I find my solace in a tree
I find You there with pierced and broken hands
So open up Your skies, let these rains fall down
On these fields so dry, on this barren ground.
Ashamed I hide and hope that You won't see
And keep Your knowing gaze far from me
I'm a broken offering, overwhelmed with all this pain
Yet I lay myself before You all the same
Bruised and scarred as I may be
I find my solace in a tree
I find You there, with pierced and broken hands
So open up Your skies, let these rains fall down
On these fields so dry, on this barren ground
I was made for this
Your embrace and kiss
To hold the hand and know the heart of God
I was made with this
Broken, emptiness
How did I live before I knew Your touch?
Open up Your skies, let these rains fall down
On these fields so dry, on this barren ground
In the night I wait for You to rescue me
From all these empty things that leave me thirsting.
~from Come Like the Fall by Tim Suel
This seems to be something God wants me to get my mind around. He has been teaching me that we are all broken. There is not one of us that has it all together (as much as I'd like that). We all need Him. We need Jesus. His word (the Bible) is not a book of do's and don'ts from a taskmaster. His word is LIFE. I love the lines I bolded. I was made for Him. He lets (and wants) me to know Him.
I was reading today from a study I am doing by Henry & Richard Blackaby (When God Speaks) that, "If you found yourself in a war-torn country and had to pass through a minefield to return to safety, your life would be in enormous peril. ONe wrong step would have disastrous consequences! If a soldier approached you while you stood in the middle of the minefield and handed you a map marking the location of the mines, those instructions would immediately become the most important information in your life. The rules you had to follow would not discourage you. So God's Word, when followed and implemented, brings you out of death into full and abundant life."
I am broken. I need Him. Oh my goodness, I am so thankful for Jesus. He is my constant friend, the Holy Spirit teaches and comforts me. God's word is alive and active, sometimes it hurts, sometimes I do not like what it reveals in me, but it is LIFE. He uses His word to show me His GREAT love for this broken child...His plan for this proud daughter...praise God, He is not done with me!!!!
Jamie, Thank you for sharing your heart and what God is showing you about yourself and about Him. It is encouraging and challenging to hear the spiritual lessons others are learning. Yes, it's true, we are all broken and in desperate need of a Savior. When we begin to see how broken and sinful we really are, it makes His death and resurrection all the more amazing. I miss your kindred spirit and the great times we had talking about life, ministry and kids. I pray all is going well with the plans to head to the mission field. We love you all! Chelle Stire
Thank you for introducing yourself! I was actually just in CS at Breakaway. The words to the song you mentioned are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with me!
Lauren Chandler
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