Sunday, January 6, 2008

Look Who's 5!!!!!!!!

Honey made Princess Cupcakes, brought decorations, and helped
Avery feel oh-so-special!

Now that I'm 5 I can climb trees.
Uncle Jack and Aunt Jodi came to party too.
Princess Avery and her hand made by Honey card.

Avery lives up to her name...Avery JOY. She loves to laugh and is always ready to be with friends-new or old. We are so thankful for this girl. We can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for her. Our prayer is that she walks closely with Jesus, enjoys Him, and brings glory to His name.


Genny said...

Hey, Jamie,

Found your site through the Bowers' site. Your children are so beautiful and we miss having them in children's choir.

Reading your posts causes fond memories to resurface of our early homeschool days.


Peas on Earth said...

Happy birthday (late!) sweetie! We almost share a birthday - how about that! Only mine started a few years earlier .... :-)
Jesus loves you!